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Change position of Cartlinks
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Post Change position of Cartlinks 
I want to make the Cartlinks go down the side of the header, instead of across the top of the page. How would I go about doing this.


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What version of the cart do you have?

God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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version 5.00

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Find this code in the header:
<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->
<!-- .html and .htm pages in the html directory of your store, compiled in real time.  Add/Remove/Rename pages in your store's html directory to alter these links-->

$cartlinks =~ s/<ul>\n//ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<li>//i;
$cartlinks =~ s/<li>/ \| /ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<\/li>\n//ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<\/ul>//ig;
print $cartlinks;
&uncapture_STDOUT;  -->

<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->

Edit as follows:
<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->
<!-- .html and .htm pages in the html directory of your store, compiled in real time.  Add/Remove/Rename pages in your store's html directory to alter these links-->

$cartlinks =~ s/<ul>\n//ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<li>//i;
$cartlinks =~ s/<li>/ <br> /ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<\/li>\n//ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<\/ul>//ig;
print $cartlinks;
&uncapture_STDOUT;  -->

<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Excellent! Worked a charm.

Thank you! Very Happy

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Hi Bonnie,

Is there a way to edit this code so that each link would display as a separate list item?

I would like to have the menu items display within an existing unordered list, so I don't need the <ul> </ul> tags. I just need each menu item to have its own <li> </li> tags.

I've tried several variations on your code without success, probably because I'm only guessing as to how to edit the code and don't know what else it is interacting with. For example, what does &capture_STDOUT; mean?

I'm now using AgoraCart version 5, thanks to your suggestion to upgrade!


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Try this:
<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->
<!-- .html and .htm pages in the html directory of your store, compiled in real time.  Add/Remove/Rename pages in your store's html directory to alter these links-->

print $cartlinks;
&uncapture_STDOUT;  -->

<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Hi Bonnie,

Thanks. This creates a nice neat list.

However, it creates a whole list including the opening and closing <ul> </ul> tags, which when put in the context of my code, indents the list.

I need the menu items to be enclosed only in <li> </li> tags.

It seems like I need to be able to edit whatever script is being called by the code you wrote.

I'm also wondering if there is a way to control in what order the links appear. They are not alphabetical, nor chronological by the last update time of each file. Can I control their display order? If so, how?

The store is at if it would help to see the code. It's still in test mode as I work out several design and formatting issues. All the store links work and some of the links to the main site work while we finish testing and a redesign process.


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You've got some "illegal" code in your header file which MUST be removed...
It may interfere with the proper function of the cart...
The following:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Revitalizing Ministries</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" >
<meta name="description" content="Revitalizing Ministries is transforming the worship experience through storytelling, the arts, and multimedia." />
<meta name="keywords" content="Storytelling, Living Bible Stories, Stories for Your Spirit, Revitalizing worship, Celebrating God's love, Transforming hearts, Transforming lives, Transforming spaces, Experiencing spirituality, Future of worship, God experience, Visual prayer, Visual scriptures, Bartholomew, Zacchaeus, Richard Matthews, Smiling Jesus, He became real, Engagement, Intensity, Nearness of power, Tools for using drama, Storytelling courses, Workshops, Worship settings, Performing arts, Lighting, Worship resources, Books, Religious fiction, Short stories, Devotional aids, Worship aids, Modern parables, Articles, Publishing" />

Also, from the header, remove:

The Footer file needs the following removed from the file:

Also, try this with your cartlinks:
<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->
<!-- .html and .htm pages in the html directory of your store, compiled in real time.  Add/Remove/Rename pages in your store's html directory to alter these links-->

$cartlinks =~ s/<ul>\n//ig;
$cartlinks =~ s/<\/ul>//ig;
print $cartlinks;
&uncapture_STDOUT;  -->

<!--START Dynamic Links - cartlinks-->


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Hi Bonnie,

Thanks! The new cartlinks code is working and doing exactly what I wanted. I appreciate you taking the time to figure this out.

Yes, taking out the extra code in the store header and footer is on my "to do" list. I included it because I didn't expect AgoraCart to add its own <html><head> and <body> opening and closing tags.

Where can I tell AgoraCart to include that information? I'd like the store pages to have a DOCTYPE and the other head elements to match the other pages in the web site.

The </form> tag was there because of the directions on "How to Integrate your Design into AgoraCart" at I've taken it out now.

Thanks for all your help!


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If v5 is set up properly, Agora does it all on it's own... It is programed to automatically add this stuff to the pages.


God Bless!
Bonnie - AgoraCart Moderator

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Hi Bonnie,

Okay, thanks.


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