Here's an outline of the ranks for posting...
Rank & Number of Posts To obtain:
Newbie = 0
Newbie - One Blade = 10
Newbie - Two Blades = 25
User - One Blade = 50
User - Two Blades1 = 00
User - Three Blades = 150
Advanced User - One Blade = 200
Advanced User - Two Blades = 300
Advanced User - Three Blades = 400
Pro User - One Blade = 500
Pro User - Two Blades = 750
Pro User - Three Blades = 1000
AgoraGuru - One Blade = 1500
AgoraGuru - Two Blades = 2000
AgoraGuru - Three Blades = 2500
Agora Ultimus = 5000
There are also special ranks and they are as follows:
AgoraCart's Chief Propeller Head = Mister Ed (aka Mister E or ME)
AgoraCart Tech Support = Tech personnel from K-Factor Technologies, BytePipe, or AgoraScript
Founder = Founders Club Member
Master Moderator = Dan - Hosting ASP too -the hell-o guy
Moderator = Volunteer and might know some schtuff
Agora Master ASP = An ASP that covers all areas of Expertise
Agora Design ASP = Designer in the ASP program
Agora Hosting ASP = Hosting Company in the ASP program
Agora Developer ASP = Programming ASP partner
Last edited by Mister Ed on Sat Jan 10, 04 5:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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