In 4.0K and above, click on the program settings link at the top, then click on the password manager link. There you can change the info. Press save.
In older versions, you will need to manually edit the manager.cgi file in a text or html editor.
Look for the section in that file that indicates the default user name and password. make sure to save it and also upload it to your protected directory in ASCII mode.
NOTE: if you need multiple login credentials into your store manager and also would like to limit features to those other logins, a multi-manager login tool is available for sale in the store. this will allow you to create a login for say someone that would only add products and you could disable their ability to change anything else .. even deleting products. It's a great tool for those that have more than one person (or even a client with little knowledge) that need to log into the store manager.
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