Hello, I used to be a miva user way back when I had my gaming book business. Now I am starting a new business, and I am looking for a new web hosting and shopping cart system.
I read conflicting info on some cart review sites, and I've been searching for answers for two days, but I cannot find the info I am looking for, so here are my needs in a cart:
1. To be able upload and import my tab or comma separated .txt product database file. (export and inventory tracking would be helpful too since I am selling out of production products).
WHICH is looks like Agora Cart does, so next...
2. The ability to write my own html templates (or edit, etc, for almost complete layout control), so my catagory product listings, product page, and most any other pages appear how I want.
Basically with my old host and miva cart, I would edit my file with MS excel (or even wordpad if I was away from my computer), and use my favorite ftp program and upload the file to the server. I (if I remember correctly), would then have to click import in a control panel, and done!
I had purchased a few modules (since default MIVA was UGLY (just my opinion) and lacked customability). I believe I had purchased:
1 Additional Product Fields Manager,
2 Product Page Templates (the module let me configure the product page html to your liking. It provided an interface for me to enter the specific HTML that I wanted to use to display the products in my store, and it allowed me to use tokens to represent the normal Merchant product fields. For example, I could use the token %prodname% to represent where you want the product's name to be displayed)
3 Additional Screens (a module that allowed an unlimited number of new "screens" to be created, such as new pages for contact info, policies, FAQs, etc)
Here is a line from my old product database:
FAS5104,Renegade Legion - Leviathan,FASRL,21.25,Description not yet available,1,1,graphics/5104_levi_thumbnail.jpg,graphics/5104_levi_medium-image.jpg,Leviathan,Game System (Boxed Game),Renegade Legion,FASA Corporation
I had written my catagory product listing, and the page would be dynamically (I believe that's the term) created, and my product fields would be plugged into the page, for example:
Product Code: %prodcode%[BR]
Retail Price: $%module|DEN_PRODFIELDS|PRODRETAIL|%[br]
My new store will be a low volume sales store, so I need something cost effective to start with (free cart).
So, I need help mainly with understanding template/layout control, and try to determine if AGORA cart, Zen cart, or --hey, did i tell you I ate dirt as a kid? meets my two needs.
BTW, here is the index page from my old site:
you cannot see the catagory page, but basically if you clicked on a product line (catagory), you would get a page with all product from that catagory and it looked like:
(this page is from WAY back before I had miva and the page was created dynamically by MIVA, but this is to show HOW it looked.)
Lastly, is there a page or post that shows what features AGORA does NOT have or do, or the common complaints. It's much easier to understand the product as a whole versus listing features (which frequently don't get into detail, and a new user learns about well after the project is underway), in my opinion.
Thank you,